Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Boys and Bug Bites.

I didn't think I had it in me. 

I thought I'd lost my capacity to daydream myself into complete oblivion. Hoping I'd see a familiar car pull up in my unfamiliar drive way. And there would be kisses through tears and a dog barking and we'd laugh and fall into bed like we never had before, because we never had a chance. 

I didn't think I would actually get here. To this coffee shop, or this state, or this city. 

Right now I don't think I can deal with the distance, and the bug bites, and the quiet. And all I left behind. And how what I left is probably leaving me as I write these words. 

I accidentally gave a bit of myself away. Left it in the golden state, and the freeways, and a bed, and a porch. 

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